
lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

Day 4, 5, 6 and 7 with 250 mg daily (1 tablet).

December 21, 2014
  • 16:00 I leave home to walk to a friend's house. It is 450 meters long. At 300 meters I feel pain but not just come seizure, I can hardly walk, I have no strength.Take the pedestrian traffic light is still red to recover. Then I cross the street and under a street and get home to my friends without problems.
  • Around 18:30's the same pattern is repeated, except that the first tranche is now slightly upwards. At 300 meters pain and I have to stop for a moment. Resume the march and get home.
  • 22:00 I take a quarter tablet.
December 22, 2014
  • 16:00 I take a glass of water with sugar. I leave home to catch the subway and go to downtown. Try to avoid taking the metro everything I can, takes me away 550 meters, a distance unaffordable for me, and tours within the enclosure and the stairs kill me. Well, the 200 meters I have to stop for pain. Resume the march and slowly go around 350 meters to the subway. Then comes the inner path and stairs.I get out of the subway as I can with pain, light seizing, without dizziness, yes, the legs do not give more, but at least at least not me dizzy. Before sticking out of the subway stairs and out killing me very dizzy and needed to take a drink with sugar, and if I did I would have finished analytical hospital. My mouth is dry and I fancy something sweet so I walk into a bar. On the way back, I realize the same route and the same pattern is repeated pains, stiffness and lightweight. Luckily this season there are escalators. When I got home I take a glass of water with sugar.
  • 22:00 I take the fifth tablet.

December 23, 2014
  • 10:30 I repeat pattern a few days ago to complete the building of the Institute back there next house (300 meters). Road to normal. The pain occurs at 100 meters. As I can stand and 200 meters gotta stop with slight stiffness. After the break I resume the march and complete the remaining 50 meters with a heart rate of 70 beats per minute.
  • 18:30'll buy close to home. It is 350 meters long. All good up to 250 meters. Noto average pain, and reduced the rate to almost stop and complete the remaining 100 meters with a slight stiffness. On the way home I do the 350 meters in one go at a normal pace without pain or stiffness or dizziness. The heart rate of 73 beats per minute and only noticed the dry mouth. When I got home I drink a glass of water.
  • 22:00 I take the sixth tablet.
December 24, 2014 (Christmas Eve-Christmas)
  • Today I just come home front (25 meters). I performed the test that I repeat to take measurements of heart rate meters and around home.

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